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Private Wealth Research & Insights

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Best Practices (5)

Family Offices Continue to Get Younger & Trend Toward Impact Investing

Several indicators highlight the continuously growing trend of family offices increasing their allocations to impact-focused funds and companies. To understand this trend, let us begin with the overall spike in the prevalence of environmental,...

5 Family Offices Making Impact Investments

Impact investing has experienced immense growth in the last decade, outperforming the benchmark for eight out of the last 10 years, according to the MSCI ESG Leaders Index. Using FINTRX, the leading family office data and research platform, which...

3 Challenges We Solve for Our Clients Targeting Family Offices

Like many companies, FINTRX evolved from a personal pain point - the inability to find updated, quality information on the private wealth and family office markets. Today, FINTRX is the result of years of client feedback, each looking for a better...

10 Reasons Why Family Offices Make Great Investors

Over the past thirty years or so, family offices have become the preeminent financial model for the ultra wealthy. This amassing of capital has resulted in the family office becoming an intricate player within the private capital markets. As the...

FINTRX Family Office Data Report Q3 2019

With Q3 of 2019 already in the books, we have provided further analysis into the family office data trends and changes our research team has compiled from the quarter. Continue reading for an in-depth breakdown on how the Q3 unfolded within our...

Multi-Family Office FAQs

Multi-family offices have rapidly advanced over the past several years, essentially reforming the mechanisms and efficiency of asset management. While this transformation continues to add value for high-net-worth families and individuals around the...

Single Family Office FAQs

Single-family offices have rapidly advanced over the past several years, essentially reforming the way in which the ultra-wealthy manage and allocate their capital. Although this transformation continues to add value for high-net-worth families and...

Three Family Offices Investing in Blockchain

In utilizing the FINTRX Family Office Data & Research platform, which provides insight and analytics into thousands of direct deal transactions made by family offices worldwide, we uncover three family offices investing in blockchain technology and ...

Three Family Offices Investing in Cannabis

Family offices around the world are fueling the growth of the cannabis industry and this trend is likely to continue in the coming years. Oftentimes, single and multi-family offices seek opportunities to invest in new, upcoming markets that can...

Mid 2019 Family Office Direct Investment Report

With the first half of 2019 already in the books, we've constructed a comprehensive family office direct investment report that provides insight on the investing trends for the first half of the year. The information contained here, constructed from