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Private Wealth Research & Insights

Posts about:

RIA (6)

Wirehouse vs. Aggregator Teams: Understanding Private Wealth Groups

The financial services industry is dynamic, constantly evolving in order to accommodate the ever-changing demands of the wealthy. In order to best cater to the current wealth management needs of individuals and institutions alike, private wealth...

October '23 Family Office & RIA Monthly Data Report

Each month, FINTRX Family Office & Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Platform adds and updates thousands of family office, investment advisor, contact, tracked investment and asset datapoints to our dataset. To showcase this model of growth and ...

FINTRX Private Wealth Group Data Launched

In an effort to provide the most expansive and comprehensive data coverage of the investment advisor landscape, we are proud to unveil our latest edition to the FINTRX Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Platform: Private Wealth Groups. This new...

RIA Industry Spotlight: 5 Top Firms in the Southeast

To shine a light on the registered investment advisor landscape FINTRX Family Office & RIA Database provider has compiled the RIA Industry Spotlight to highlight five top RIA firms in the Southeast based on assets under management, employee count,...

The Definitive Guide to Aggregator & Broker Dealer Wealth Teams

In a constantly evolving financial landscape that can be complex and overwhelming, private wealth groups are crucial in helping clients investment strategies and take advantage of financial opportunities. These teams, housed within larger financial...

FINTRX Private Wealth Data Report, Q3 2023

As the leading private wealth data intelligence solution, FINTRX is pleased to release the next iteration of our quarterly Private Wealth Data Report. This report serves as a high-level synopsis of the global investment advisor and family...

RIA Industry Spotlight: 5 Rapidly-Growing Wealth Management Firms in 2023

With data provided by the FINTRX Registered Investment Advisor & Broker Dealer Intelligence Platform, we have compiled the RIA Industry Spotlight series to provide insights into the current trends and key players in the dynamic RIA landscape. In...

RIA Industry Spotlight: 3 Women-Owned Firms with $1B+ in AUM

Utilizing FINTRX's comprehensive private wealth data intelligence platform, we have compiled the RIA Industry Spotlight series to provide insights into the diverse range of firms operating in the RIA landscape. By tapping into FINTRX's robust...

August '23 Family Office & RIA Monthly Data Report

In an effort to shine a light on the private wealth ecosystem, FINTRX Family Office & RIA Database provider has compiled the following data report to provide a high-level synopsis of the private wealth landscape for August 2023. This report offers...

Enhance Your Investment Approach with the FINTRX RIA Database Solution

In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, data has become an invaluable asset for individuals seeking to enhance their investment approaches. As the demand for transparent, data-driven investment strategies continues to grow, the role of...