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July '24 Family Office & RIA/Broker Dealer Data Report

Every month, the FINTRX Wealth Management Data & Research Platform adds and updates thousands of family offices, investment advisory firms, contacts/reps, and an array of investment information to our dataset. In an effort to highlight this continuous growth, we've compiled this monthly Family Office & RIA/Broker Dealer Data Report for July 2024, showcasing key metrics such as new and updated firms and contacts, AUM breakdowns, alternative investments utilized, geographic distributions and more.

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July 24 FINTRX Family Office & RIABroker Dealer Data Report

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Family Office Data

July '24 Family Office Platform Additions

Last month, our dedicated Data & Research team added 31 new family offices, nearly 580 family office contacts and over 200 direct investment transactions to our Family Office Dataset

  • - New Family Offices: 31
  • - New Family Office Contacts: 545
  • - Newly Tracked Family Office Investments: 209
  • - Family Office Assets Added to the FINTRX Dataset: $16.775 Billion


Updated Family Office Entities

Alongside 785+ new platform additions, FINTRX also implemented nearly 2,300 updates to our family office data, including 480+ firm updates and more than 1,800 contact updates.

Updated Family Office Entities-3

  • - Updated Family Offices: 488
  • - Updated Family Office Contacts: 1,801



Single Family Offices vs. Multi-Family Offices

Throughout July, 77% of newly added firms are single family offices while the remaining 23% are multi-family offices.

SFOs vs MFOs-3

  • - New Single Family Office Additions: 24
  • - New Multi-Family Office Additions: 7



Assets Under Management (AUM) Breakdown

44% of newly added firms manage client assets ranging from $100M to $400M, while 38% are family offices overseeing assets between $400M and $1B.

Assets Under Management (AUM) Breakdown-3

  • - $50M - $100M: 6%
  • - $100M - $400M: 44%
  • - $400M - $1B: 38% 
  • - $1B - $2B: 6%
  • - $2B - $5B: 6%



Asset Class Interest Breakdown

The majority of newly added firms (84%) are actively involved in real estate investments. Direct investments into private companies followed at 74%. Other prominent asset classes include private equity, long only equities and venture capital, among others.

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  • - Real Estate: 84%
  • - Direct Investments: 74%
  • - Private Equity: 65%
  • - Long Only: 55%
  • - Venture Capital: 36%
  • - Debt: 29%
  • - Hedge Funds: 23%
  • - Fund of Funds: 6%



Family Office Geographical Breakdown

The majority of family offices added to FINTRX are headquartered in North America, making up 94% of firms—an increase of 19% from last quarter. European and Asian offices follow, each representing 3% of the total. This underscores the continued dominance of North American firms.

Family Office Geographical Breakdown-2

  - North America: 94%
  • - Asia: 3%
  • - Europe: 3%



Newly Tracked Family Office Investments

Top 10 Sectors of Interest

FINTRX data reveals that the majority of newly tracked family office investments were directed toward private technology companies, representing 44% of the total. Other sectors of interest included financial services, consumer goods, healthcare, and biotechnology, among others.

Newly Tracked Family Office Investments-3

  • - Technology: 44%
  • - Financial Services: 24%
  • - Consumer Goods: 18%
  • - Healthcare & Biotech: 15%
  • - Business Services: 13%
  • - Manufacturing: 12%
  • - Real Estate & Construction: 9%
  • - Energy & Utilities: 7%
  • - Transportation: 6%
  • - Media & Entertainment: 6%
  • - Other Sectors: 20%

Registered Investment Adviser & Broker Dealer Data

July '24 Platform Additions

  • - Total Registered Entities (including Dually Registered): 193
  • - Total Registered Contacts: 3,520+
  • - Total Accounts: 660+
  • - Firms Using Alternatives: 51%
  • - Total AUM Added by New Firms: $5.6 Billion



Accounts Breakdown

Among the newly added advisory firms, 93% of their accounts are discretionary, leaving just 7% as non-discretionary. This strong preference for discretionary accounts reflects the firms' emphasis on maintaining control over investment decisions.

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  • - Total Accounts Added: 666



Contact Breakdown by Rep Type

75% of newly added contacts registered as broker-dealers while 14% registered as investment advisors. Just 8% are designated as owner-only representatives and a mere 3% are dually registered.

Contact Breakdown by Rep Type-1

  • - Broker-Dealers: 2,638
  • - Investment Advisors: 487
  • - Owners: 284
  • Dually Registered: 113



Rep Gender Breakdown

71% of the newly added representatives are male while 29% are female, ultimately maintaining similar ratios month after month. 

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Client Base Breakdown

The July additions revealed that 87% of their client base comprises institutional clients, with individual and family clients accounting for the remaining 13%.

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Firm Size by Assets Under Management (AUM)

55% of RIAs fall under the 'Mid-Size' category, managing between $100 million and $500 million in client assets.

Firm Size by Assets Under Management (AUM)-1

  • - Micro ($1-$25M): 18%
  • - Small ($25M-$100M): 9%
  • - Mid-Size ($100M-$500M): 55%
  • - Large ($500M-$5B): 18%



Services Provided

Portfolio management for individuals and small businesses remains the leading service, making up 58% of newly added firms. Following this, financial planning services account for 45%. Other key offerings, each representing 17% or less, include portfolio management for businesses and institutions, as well as adviser selection. It’s important to note that firms typically provide a variety of services to cater to their clients' diverse needs.

Services Provided-2 

Top Services Provided:
  1. - Portfolio Management for Individuals/Small Businesses: 58%
  2. - Financial Planning Services: 45%
  3. - Portfolio Management for Businesses/Institutions: 17% 
  4. - Selection of Other Advisors: 16%
  5. - Pension Consulting Services: 11%
  6. - Portfolio Management for Pooled Investment Vehicles: 10%
  7. - Educational Seminars/Workshops: 5%
  8. - Portfolio Management for Investment Companies: 3%
  9. - Publication of Periodicals/Newsletters: 2%
  10. - Others: 1%



Alternative Investments Utilized

A majority (82%) of the newly added investment advisory firms displayed some allocation to real estate within their investment portfolios. Smaller fractions displayed interest in commodities, private placements, private equity, and oil & gas, among others.

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  • - Real Estate: 82%
  • - Commodities: 29%
  • - Private Placements: 26%
  • - Private Equity: 25%
  • - Oil & Gas: 23%
  • - Hedge Funds: 18%
  • - Venture Capital: 17%
  • - Corporate Debt: 7%
  • - REITs: 7%
  • - Private Debt: 6%
  • - Digital Currency: 4%
  • - Others: 6%

FINTRX Overview

FINTRX is a unified data and research platform, offering extensive data intelligence on 850,000+ wealth management firm & contact records, designed to enhance industry professionals’ ability to access, map and engage with the global wealth management ecosystem. With an extensive database of 4,100+ family offices, 23,000+ family office contacts, 40,000+ registered wealth management firms and 750,000+ reps and associated contacts, the FINTRX data intelligence solution offers unparalleled access to accurate & actionable information on the wealth management space. 

FINTRX CTA (updated)

FINTRX is designed to be user-friendly, with a variety of features including custom list building, news alerts and notifications, real-time updates and customizable reporting options. Additionally, new AI-powered features such as natural language search capabilities and advanced relationship intelligence empower users to leverage the most accurate and relevant family office and investment advisor data to prospect more efficiently, book more meetings and close more deals.

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