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Private Wealth Research & Insights

Posts about:

Family Offices (5)

The Rise of ESG Investing Among Family Offices

Environmental, social, and corporate governance factors have always been a consideration for family office investors and businesses, but it wasn't until the last decade or so that awareness of ESG topics has skyrocketed. Investing for social...

FINTRX Private Wealth Data Report, Q3 2023

As the leading private wealth data intelligence solution, FINTRX is pleased to release the next iteration of our quarterly Private Wealth Data Report. This report serves as a high-level synopsis of the global investment advisor and family...

August '23 Family Office & RIA Monthly Data Report

In an effort to shine a light on the private wealth ecosystem, FINTRX Family Office & RIA Database provider has compiled the following data report to provide a high-level synopsis of the private wealth landscape for August 2023. This report offers...

3 Family Offices Investing in Hospitality Companies

By harnessing the power of the FINTRX Private Wealth Data Platform, we explore five family offices that are channeling their investments into private hospitality companies. Drawing from comprehensive data and research on thousands of transactions...

5 Family Offices Investing in Alternative Energy

In utilizing the FINTRX Private Wealth Data Platform, we highlight five family offices making investments into alternative energy. Equipped with accurate and comprehensive data on thousands of transactions from 3,800+ family offices globally, our...

FINTRX Private Wealth Data Report, '23 Q2

As the leading private wealth intelligence data solution, FINTRX is excited to release the Q2 2023 Family Office & RIA Data Report, which provides a comprehensive analysis of the latest developments in the industry as well as an overview...

5 Family Offices Investing in Healthcare

Fueled by data from the FINTRX Private Wealth Data Platform, which provides intel into thousands of direct deal transactions made by over 3,700+ family offices worldwide, we highlight five family offices making investments in the healthcare industry.

5 Family Offices Active in Series A Investments

We continue to shine a light on the alternative wealth space and private capital market by providing detailed analyses on the recent investment history of family offices. Fueled by data from the FINTRX Private Wealth Data Platform,...

5 Family Offices Investing in Retail Companies

In utilizing the FINTRX Private Wealth Data Platform, we highlight five family offices actively investing in private retail companies. Equipped with accurate and comprehensive data on thousands of transactions from 3,800+ family offices...

5 Family Offices Investing in Real Estate

We continue to shine a light on the alternative wealth space and private capital market by providing detailed analyses on the recent investment history of family offices. Fueled by data from the FINTRX Private Wealth Data Platform,...