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Private Wealth Research & Insights

Posts by

Sarah Wright

Sarah Wright is a member of the Client Success team at FINTRX - a division strictly dedicated to driving value & ensuring success for our global suite of clients.

3 Ways the FINTRX Platform Increases our Clients' Efficiency

Particularly in light of our current economic environment, it undoubtedly pays to have a highly efficient workflow. In utilizing the FINTRX family office and data platform, the outdated and lagging methods of prospecting family offices are overcome,...

3 Ways our Clients are Utilizing FINTRX While Working Remotely

During these unpredictable and isolating times, there seems to be one constant that many of us are sharing - and that is the 'new normal' of suddenly working from home. With more time in front of the computer and the inability to travel, many of us...

3 Challenges We Solve for Our Clients Targeting Family Offices

Like many companies, FINTRX evolved from a personal pain point - the inability to find updated, quality information on the private wealth and family office markets. Today, FINTRX is the result of years of client feedback, each looking for a better...