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Private Wealth Research & Insights

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5 Family Office Investment Trends

Family offices have played a pivotal role in the alternative investment industry for quite some time though in the last decade especially, we have seen these groups reaching new heights. As family offices continue to broaden, so do their investment...

The Definitive Guide to Family Offices In 2023

Like any vertical dealing with the ultra-wealthy, every family office is unique in set-up and structure, with each requiring a different combination of services depending on the wants and needs of their clientele. This makes defining the murky world...

Targeting Family Offices: A Consultative Prospecting Methodology

The family office landscape is amid a profound transformation brought upon by a new generation of investors whose attitudes and expectations have been shaped by modern advances, volatile markets, and unforeseen global realities. As many...

10 Tips & Tricks for Utilizing the FINTRX Family Office Platform

FINTRX - family office & registered investment advisor data provider - is becoming smarter and broader at a rate faster than ever. To showcase our growing plethora of data tools designed specifically for the asset-raising professional, we have...

Monthly Family Office Data Report May 2020

As the global family office landscape continues to evolve and diversify, the FINTRX data and research platform consistently grows alongside. With universal coverage on 2,848+ family offices, 11,061+ family office contacts and 11,742+ tracked...

How to Utilize Industry Intelligence for Outreach Excellence

As family offices continue to gain popularity in the alternative investment space, FINTRX offers an inside look at the private wealth landscape and provides the tools necessary for a productive and humanized outreach solution. Thanks to...

Monthly Family Office Data Report April 2020

Designed to greatly enhance your capital raising efforts, the FINTRX family office data and research platform offers an inside look at the alternative investment industry and private capital markets. With complete coverage on 2,833+ family offices, ...

3 Ways the FINTRX Platform Increases our Clients' Efficiency

Particularly in light of our current economic environment, it undoubtedly pays to have a highly efficient workflow. In utilizing the FINTRX family office and data platform, the outdated and lagging methods of prospecting family offices are overcome,...

FINTRX Family Office Data Report Q1 2020

FINTRX kicked off 2020 by adding and updating hundreds of family office profiles and key contacts within our family office data and research platform. With that information, we constructed the Q1 2020 Family Office Data Report delivering key family...

FINTRX Family Office Data Report March 2020

A broad range of the world's asset managers, bankers, private businesses and fund managers leverage the FINTRX family office data and research platform to identify, access and raise capital. Blending research, analytics and technology into one...