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Monthly Family Office Data Report: April 2022


Each month, the FINTRX Family Office and Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Platform adds and updates hundreds of family offices, family office contacts, newly tracked family office investments, and assets to our private wealth dataset. To showcase this model of growth, we have compiled a breakdown of all new and updated family office data from April 2022.

Key Family Office Data Points: April 2022

  • - New Family Offices: 51
  • - New Family Office Contacts: 395
  • - New Family Office Data Points: 5,350+
  • - Total Family Office Additions: 1,160+
  • - Newly Tracked Family Office Investments: 1,700+
  • - Emerging Fund Investors: 39% 
  • - New Family Office Assets Tracked: $49,700,000,000



Family Office Additions

Throughout April 2022, the FINTRX Data Research team added 51 new family offices, nearly 400 family office contacts, and 700+ newly tracked investments to our dataset. 

Family Office Additions

  • - New Family Offices: 51
  • - New Family Office Contacts: 395
  • - Newly Tracked Family Office Investments: 717



Updated Entities

Updated Entities

  • - Updated Family Offices: 295
  • - Updated Family Office Contacts: 1,397



Asset Class Interest Breakdown

Asset Class Interest Breakdown

  • - Direct Investments: 96%
  • - Private Equity: 92%
  • - Real Estate: 61% 
  • - Venture Capital: 41%
  • - Hedge Funds: 18%
  • - Fund of Funds: 14%
  • - Long Only: 2%



Single-Family Offices vs. Multi-Family Office Breakdown

Single-Family Offices vs. Multi-Family Office Breakdown

  • - Single-Family Offices: 69%
  • - Multi-Family Offices: 31%



Assets Under Management (AUM) Breakdown

The following data accounts for the newly added family offices that disclosed their assets under management (AUM). A majority of new firms added to our dataset in April either have assets between $100M-$400M (31%) or above $5B+ (31%). 

Assets Under Management (AUM) Breakdown

  • - $100M-$400M: 31% 
  • - $1B-$1.5B: 8%
  • - $1.5B-$2B: 8%
  • - $2B-$5B: 22%
  • - $5B+: 31%



Geographical Breakdown of New Family Offices Added

The chart below displays the geographical breakdown of all new family offices added throughout April. As you can see, a majority of new groups are domiciled in Europe (45%), North America (39%), and Asia (8%). The rest of the world makes up the remaining 8%.

Geographical Breakdown of New Family Offices Added

  • - Europe: 45%
  • - North America: 39%
  • - Asia: 8%
  • - Rest of World: 8%



Newly Tracked Family Office Investments

Newly Tracked Family Office Investments

  • - Technology: 30%
  • - Consumer Goods: 12%
  • - Healthcare & Biotech: 11%
  • - Financial Services: 9%
  • - Business Services: 7%
  • - Real Estate & Construction: 6%
  • - Media & Entertainment: 5%
  • - Manufacturing: 5%
  • - Transportation: 4%
  • - Leisure & Lifestyle: 3%
  • - Others: 9%



Download the Report

FINTRX Family Office Data Report- April 2022

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FINTRX provides comprehensive data intelligence on 850,000+ family office & investment advisor records, each designed to help you identify, access, and map the private wealth ecosystem. Explore in-depth dossiers on each family office & investment advisor. Access AUM, source of wealth, investment criteria, previous investment history, sectors & industries of interest, advisor growth signals amongst other key data points.

Additionally, FINTRX provides insight and expansive contact information on 850,000+ decision-makers, featuring job titles, direct email addresses, phone numbers, common connections, alma maters, past employment history, brief bios & much more. 

For an in-depth exploration of the FINTRX family office platform, request a demo below.



Visit the FINTRX Resource Library below for useful family office narratives, PDFs, and guides to success.

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