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Private Wealth Research & Insights

Posts by

Renae Hatcher

Renae Hatcher is a member of the marketing team at FINTRX - focused on delivering targeted & relevant family office and registered investment advisor content to our subscribers.

January '24 FINTRX Family Office & RIA Data Report

Every month, the FINTRX Private Wealth Database adds and updates thousands of family offices, registered investment advisors (RIAs), decision-makers and an array of tracked investment and asset information to our dataset. To illustrate this growth,...

Understanding the FINTRX RIA Data & Family Office Intelligence Platform

As an investment professional, staying ahead of the curve is essential to achieving success in the private wealth market. But with so much data to sift through, it can be difficult to know where to begin. That's where FINTRX comes in. Our powerful...

5 Family Offices Investing in ESG Initiatives

Leveraging the FINTRX Private Wealth Data Platform, we highlight five family offices actively investing in companies with a strong focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives. With comprehensive and reliable data on thousands of...

How Financial Professionals Use FINTRX Data

At FINTRX, we understand that each client has unique needs and requirements when it comes to their investment strategies and objectives. That's why we have developed a platform that caters to the diverse range of various professionals in the...

How FINTRX Simplifies Stock & ETF Tracking & Research

In the fast-paced world of finance, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. For many industry professionals, tracking the equities holdings of investment advisors, fund managers and broker-dealers is not just a routine task—it's a strategic...

2023 FINTRX Private Wealth Data Report

As the leading private wealth data intelligence solution, FINTRX is pleased to present the highly anticipated 2023 FINTRX Private Wealth Data Report, a game-changing resource that delves deep into the ever-evolving landscape of family...

2023 FINTRX Family Office & RIA Yearly Roundup

On behalf of FINTRX, the leading Family Office and Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Data solution, it is our pleasure to share the 2023 Family Office & RIA Yearly Roundup. In this unique newsletter edition, we explore several main themes of the...

Why More Financial Advisors are Shifting to Independent Firms

In the ever-evolving landscape of financial advising, a significant trend has emerged, reshaping the fabric of the industry: the move towards independence. This departure is not just a short-lived trend but a profound statement about what today's...

RIA Industry Spotlight: 3 Women-Owned Firms with $1B+ in AUM

Utilizing FINTRX's comprehensive private wealth data intelligence platform, we have compiled the RIA Industry Spotlight series to provide insights into the diverse range of firms operating in the RIA landscape. By tapping into FINTRX's robust...

August '23 Family Office & RIA Monthly Data Report

In an effort to shine a light on the private wealth ecosystem, FINTRX Family Office & RIA Database provider has compiled the following data report to provide a high-level synopsis of the private wealth landscape for August 2023. This report offers...