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Private Wealth Research & Insights

Posts by

Renae Hatcher

Renae Hatcher is a member of the marketing team at FINTRX - focused on delivering targeted & relevant family office and registered investment advisor content to our subscribers.

Frequently Asked Questions About FINTRX

As a leading family office and registered investment advisor (RIA) data intelligence solution, FINTRX provides users with real-time data on thousands of family offices, RIAs and private wealth contacts. Given the extensive capabilities of our...

The 2023 Outlook: Key Trends Shaping the Family Office & RIA Ecosystem

With 2023 well underway, it's essential to recognize the key trends shaping the family office and RIA ecosystem, enabling these professionals to better serve their clients and remain competitive. This blog will delve into the most impactful...

Investing in Emerging Markets: Risks & Rewards

Emerging markets have become increasingly popular among investors seeking high growth and diversification opportunities. These markets, which include regions such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America, offer the potential for higher returns compared to...

The Definitive Guide to the Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Ecosystem

The registered investment advisor (RIA) ecosystem is a complex and ever-evolving landscape that plays an increasingly important role in the wealth management industry. Whether you're a financial professional looking to start your own investment...

Family Offices & Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs): A Comparative Analysis

When it comes to managing wealth and investments for high-net-worth individuals, two of the most popular options are family offices and registered investment advisors (RIAs). Both offer personalized investment advice and management, but there are...

Why FINTRX Is a Must-Have Tool for Asset-Raising Professionals

In the fiercely competitive and fast-paced world of private wealth, raising capital often depends on having access to the right information and resources. FINTRX - the leading family office and registered investment advisor (RIA) database solution -...

February 23' Family Office & RIA Monthly Data Report

In an effort to shine a light on the private wealth ecosystem, FINTRX Family Office & RIA Database provider has compiled the Family Office & RIA Monthly Data Report to provide a high-level synopsis of the investment advisory landscape for February...

How FINTRX Tags & Notes Maximize Efficiency & Improve Workflow

As an asset-raising professional, your time is valuable. You need to be able to access relevant information quickly and efficiently in order to make informed investment decisions and connect with potential investors. However, with a vast array of...

5 Advantages of Working with Registered Investment Advisors

Registered investment advisors (RIAs) are financial experts legally obligated to act in the best interests of their clients. Along with a fiduciary duty, RIAs provide several other advantages to working with them such as access to alternative...

Sustainable Investing: A Look at the Latest ESG Trends from the RIA Channel

Sustainable investing and ESG trends are becoming increasingly important throughout the registered investment advisor (RIA) channel as more investors seek investment options that align with their values and support responsible business practices....