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April 2023 FINTRX Updates & Additions


As always, we're excited to share with you the latest developments and additions to FINTRX, the leading family office & registered investment advisor (RIA) data intelligence platform, as we continue to innovate and enhance our data offering. Here, we'll be highlighting our latest updates and additions from April, along with recent data reports, blogs and information pertaining to the private wealth and investment industry.




FINTRX Product Updates & Additions


Family Office Emerging Markets Investment Data   Untitled design-3

+ Explore over 700 family offices open to investments in emerging markets.
+ Quickly drill into market research & data on emerging market investments & the decision-makers behind them.

Family Office Emerging Markets Investment Data


BONUS: Read more about the pros & cons of emerging markets as well as strategies to investing here >>

Investing In Emerging Markets: Risks & Rewards



Improved Custom List Columns Functionality   Enhancement Tag

Simplify your list organization & layout with more efficient list editing tools.

+ Quickly find the right data columns with free-text search capability.

Improved Custom List Columns Functionality



Alternative Name Matching & Search Capability   Enhancement Tag

Seamlessly search all contacts by nickname or additional names as well as by legal names on filings.

Monthly Product Update Images (6)



Enhanced News Portal   Enhancement Tag

Easily access and drill into more relevant & actionable news articles.

FINTRX Enhanced News Portal



Improved SMA Data & Delivery   Enhancement Tag

Explore relevant information on separately managed account (SMA) asset allocation more efficiently.

Monthly Product Update Images (9)



Recent Industry Reports


Q1 2023 FINTRX Private Wealth Data Report

Explore activity and trends in the family office & registered investment advisor ecosystems throughout Q1 with insights on the most recent developments in the industry, plus information on additions & updates to FINTRX data points.

Q1 2023 FINTRX Private Wealth Data Report

Key insights included in the report:

  • + Updates to family office records & breakdown of new records added
    + Data on family office & RIA asset class interests & alternatives used, AUM, & geographical breakdown
    + Family office direct investment activity and trends
    + Additional insights on family office & RIA contacts as well as entity activities, fee structures, and more
  • Access the report >>



April 2023 Family Office & Registered Investment Advisor Data Report

A high-level synopsis of the investment advisory landscape for April including AUM breakdowns, asset class & alternative investment trends, fee structures, geographic breakdowns, family office direct transactions and more.

fintrx april family office & ria data report

Access the report >>



Featured Blogs & Thought Leadership


The 2023 Outlook: Key Trends Shaping the Family Office & RIA Ecosystem

The 2023 Outlook: Key Trends Shaping the Family Office & RIA Ecosystem




Frequently Asked Questions About FINTRX

Frequently Asked Questions About FINTRX



Revolutionize Your Client Prospecting with FINTRX's Financial Planner Database

Revolutionize your Client Prospecting with FINTRX's Financial Planner Database



Alternative Assets: A Guide for Asset-Raising Professionals

Alternative Assets: A Guide for Asset-Raising Professionals



Check back monthly for more FINTRX product updates, industry thought leadership pieces and valuable insights into the private wealth & investment data landscape!


- The FINTRX Product Marketing Team

FINTRX is a leading family office and RIA data intelligence platform that provides valuable insights and information to help users grow their businesses and connect with high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors. FINTRX data covers 3,600+ family offices, 20,000+ family office contacts, 40,000+ registered investment advisor entities and 850,000+ registered RIA reps.

We provide detailed profiles of each family office and RIA, including investment preferences, asset allocation, contact information and much more. FINTRX data is powered by millions of sources, both public and private, which are constantly updated and verified by our 70+ person research team as well as a team of experienced data scientists. Equipped with 375+ advanced search and filtering capabilities, FINTRX helps users get to the data they need faster than ever.


For an in-depth exploration of the FINTRX family office & RIA data platform, request a demo below.

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