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Private Wealth Research & Insights

Posts by

Michaela Barry

As Client Success Director, Michaela assists and interacts with our client roster, ensuring that all questions, concerns, and needs are met as well as to introduce new features.

How our Clients are Optimizing FINTRX with Customization

Universally, we are all trying to find ways to promote efficiency and best allocate the time we have to execute our roles and responsibilities in the office (or as of late - at home). The FINTRX solution delivers industry-leading family office...

New Release: FINTRX Mobile Version

FINTRX is pleased to announce the launch of our mobile application. Compatible with all mobile devices, and formatted specifically for your mobile screen, the FINTRX mobile app was created to provide you with instantaneous interactions and access to...

New Release: Family Office Impact Investor Filter

FINTRX is pleased to share that we have added a new search filter to our family office Power Search module. Users now have the ability to query family offices based off their interest in impact/ESG investing.

New Release: Family Office Enhanced Keyword Search

FINTRX is excited to share that we have greatly improved our family office "Keyword" search filter. We have evolved this feature to provide users with the most efficient search tool possible.