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Monthly Family Office Data Report: June 2020


Universal family office expansion continues to transform the operational methods of those within the alternative investment industry and private capital markets. Because the modern family office is structured to fit the need for enhanced services, these groups are increasingly becoming the preferred vehicle of choice with regard to protecting and preserving family wealth. To showcase this pattern of growth, FINTRX has compiled a comprehensive breakdown on the data we gathered from June of 2020...

fintrx monthly data report june 2020

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All of our data reports are produced exclusively utilizing the FINTRX family office data and research platform. By virtue of our dedicated research team - who continuously updates and expands our data set - we are able to shine light on the patterns observed within the family office space.  

June Findings

→ New Family Office Data Points: 2,278+

→ Total New Family Office Assets Added: $25 B+

→ New Tracked Investments: 365

→ Total Family Office Additions: 171+

june 2020 fintrx total family office additions

  • ⇒ Family Offices Added: 29
  • ⇒ Family Office Contacts Added: 142

→ Updated Entities = 2,327+

june 2020 fintrx updated entities

  • ⇒ Updated Family Offices: 365
  • ⇒ Updated Family Office Contacts: 1,962

→ Family Office Direct Investment Activity: Top 10 Sectors

family office investment trends june 2020
  1. 1. Technology = 25%
  2. 2. Healthcare & Biotechnology = 17%
  3. 3. Real Estate & Construction = 14%
  4. 4. Financial Services = 10%
  5. 5. Manufacturing = 8%
  6. 6. Consumer Goods = 7%
  7. 7. Media & Entertainment = 6%
  8. 8. Energy & Utilities = 6%
  9. 9. Transportation = 4%
  10. 10. Business Services = 3%

Top US States with the Most Family Office Additions: (Family Offices & FO Contacts)

june 2020 top us states with family office activity

top us states with the most family office activity june 2020-1

Family offices have played a pivotal role in the alternative investment industry for quite some time. Though in the last decade especially, these wealth entities are reaching new heights - with new levels of standards. To keep you informed on how family offices are shaping the private wealth landscape, we have outlined a number of developing trends expected to make a lasting impact on family offices and the alternative wealth space altogether.

The appeal of family office capital is not going away any time soon, seeing that the benefits of securing an allocation from family office capital pools are vast.  To capitalize on these positive effects, we advise you to take a deep dive into this highly sought after and often misunderstood space.

For an in-depth exploration of the FINTRX family office platform, click below:


Contact us for more best practices or visit our Resource Library below for useful readings and guides to success.

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