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FINTRX Monthly Family Office Data Report: October 2021


Although family offices have been around for some time, we have seen rapid growth in their development over the past decade especially. To showcase this model of growth, FINTRX data and research provider has compiled a full breakdown of all new and updated family office data from October 2021.

Each month, the FINTRX data and research team adds and updates hundreds of family offices, family office contacts, and tracked investments. Below, we provide a breakdown of all new and updated data points from October. All data reports are compiled through the use of the FINTRX family office data and research platform. Thanks to our growing team of researchers - who work every day to add and update our dataset - we can share credible private wealth intel and growing trends regarding family offices and the alternative wealth landscape at large.

Key Data Points

  • → New Family Office Data Points: 6,870+
    → Total Family Office Additions: 1,110+
    → Updated Family Office Entities: 1,050+
    → Newly Tracked Family Office Investments: 420+
    → Total New Assets Added: $5.2B+
    → Family Offices Interested in Emerging Markets: 60%
    → Family Offices Active in Co-Investments: 50%
    → Impact Investors: 50%

Family Office Platform Additions

Total Additions: 1,110+

October 2021 Family Office Additions Family Offices Added: 10
Family Office Contacts Added: 673
Newly Tracked Investments: 428

Updated Family Office Entities

Updated Entities: 1,050+

October 2021 Family Office Updates

Updated Family Offices: 286
Updated Family Office Contacts: 769

Assets Under Management Breakdown

The data here shows a breakdown of assets under management (AUM) of all new family offices added in October. While 80% of new family offices did not disclose their AUM, 10% recorded having $100M-$400M in AUM, while 10% have between $1.5B-$2B in assets. 

October 2021 AUM Breakdown

Single-Family Office vs Multi-Family Office Breakdown 

Of the new family offices added to the FINTRX platform in October, 20% are single-family offices and 80% are multi-family offices. 

October 2021 SFO vs MFO

Asset Class Interest Breakdown

A majority of new family offices added to the FINTRX platform in October show an interest in private equity, hedge funds, and long-only funds, at 17%, respectively. Real estate followed closely behind, at 15%

October 2021 Asset Class Interest Breakdown

Regional Breakdown of New Family Offices Added

October 2021 US Breakdown of Newly Added Family OfficesOf the new family office entities added to our platform last month, all but one entity are domiciled in the United States. New York and Massachusetts both took the lead, with each accounting for 20% (40% total). Texas, Michigan, Ohio, Georgia, and California all had new family office activity as well, attributing 10%, respectively. 

Newly Tracked Family Office Investments: Top 10 Sectors of Interest

october 2021 newly tracked investments

  1. 1. Technology = 28%
  2. 2. Financial Services = 15%
  3. 3. Healthcare & Biotech = 11%
    4. Consumer Goods = 9%
  4. 5. Business Services = 9%
  5. 6. Real Estate & Construction = 5%
  6. 7. Manufacturing = 5%
  7. 8. Media & Entertainment = 4%
  8. 9. Leisure & Lifestyle = 3%
  9. 10. Government = 2%

All other sectors make up the remaining 9%

FINTRX Monthly Data Report October 2021

Access Your Full Copy

With complete coverage of over 3,090+ family offices, 15,800+ family office contacts, and 19,600+ tracked investments, FINTRX ensures direct access to accredited investor intelligence. The FINTRX platform is an essential tool in understanding the family office landscape in the U.S. and abroad, while also empowering users to uncover commonalities with these family offices for effective, personal outreach.

For an in-depth exploration of the FINTRX family office platform, click below:



Visit the FINTRX Resource Library below for useful family office narratives, PDFs, and guides to success.

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