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FINTRX Family Office Data Report March 2020


A broad range of the world's asset managers, bankers, private businesses and fund managers leverage the FINTRX family office data and research platform to identify, access and raise capital. Blending research, analytics and technology into one solution, we have provided further analysis into notable family office data trends compiled from March 2020. Continue reading for an elaborate breakdown of how last month unfolded within our rapidly increasing database of 2,815+ family offices, 11,103+ family office contacts and 11,035+ tracked investments.

March 2020 Data Report

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All of the data in this report has been built bottom-up from our extensive dataset, rather than based on models or small-sample survey data. As a result, we are able to share reliable information regarding this hard-to-reach, yet economically significant sector.



Total Family Office Additions

  • → New Family Office Data Points = 2,434+
  • → Total New Family Office Assets Added = $30 Billion+ 
  • → Total Additions = 2,190


March 2020 Total Additions


  • 36 family offices added
  • 193 family office contacts added
  • 1,961 new tracked investments 



Total Family Office Updates

→ Updated Entities = 3,305


March 2020 Updated Entities


  • 666 updated family offices
  • 2,639 updated family office contacts 


Family Office Direct Investment Activity by Sector

March 2020 Family Office Direct Investment Activity
  1. Technology = 28%
    Healthcare & Biotech = 16%
    Consumer Goods = 7%
    Business Services = 7%
    Financial Services = 6%
    Manufacturing = 6%
    Real Estate & Construction = 5%
    Energy & Utilities = 5%
    Media & Entertainment = 4%
    Government = 3%
    Other = 13%



Family Office Trend of the Month: Hedge Fund Allocations 

Family offices are more inclined to invest with hedge funds as they are typically looking for the possibility of finding exceptional money managers before everyone else notices them.

March 2020 Trend of the Month

"Family offices around the world continue to favor alternative asset classes. Twenty-one family offices added to the FINTRX research platform in March, demonstrated a propensity towards hedge fund investments."

- Dennis Caulfield, Vice President of Research

FINTRX is excited to share our 2020 Family Office Hedge Fund Activity Report, where you will find an in-depth analysis into why hedge funds should target family office capital. The report provides a regional breakdown, family offices investing in both hedge funds and impact investments and more. 


Download the Report

FINTRX 2020 Hedge Fund Activity Report

FINTRX provides comprehensive data intelligence on 850,000+ family office & investment advisor records, each designed to help you identify, access and map the private wealth ecosystem. Explore in-depth dossiers on each family office & investment advisor. Access AUM, source of wealth, investment criteria, previous investment history, sectors & industries of interest, and advisor growth signals, among other key data points.

Additionally, FINTRX provides insight and expansive contact information on 850,000+ decision-makers, featuring job titles, direct email addresses, phone numbers, common connections, alma maters, past employment history, brief bios & much more.


For an in-depth exploration of the FINTRX family office platform, request a free trial below.REQUEST DEMO

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