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What's New at FINTRX | July 2024


Explore the latest product developments and happenings at FINTRX, the leading family office & investment advisor data intelligence platform. We are excited to share our journey with you as we continue to grow as a company, innovate, and enhance the FINTRX product and user experience. Continue reading for more on the latest company & product updates, recent data reports and what's new at FINTRX!


Product Updates & Additions

Relationship Path for iPhone & iPad  New Tag

Access our revolutionary AI-powered relationship mapping directly from your iPhone or iPad.

+ Leverage your network and your teammates' connections to foster warmer introductions across the wealth management space and close more business

+ Available for all iPhone & iPad models

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Learn more about FINTRX Relationship Path >>



Enhanced ETF Data & Insights  New Tag

Explore comprehensive data on firm equity portfolio allocations and industry ETF insights to:
+ Identify trends in ETF adoption among investment advisors
+ Analyze wallet share coverage and find opportunities to win business
+ Tailor product offerings to meet specific market demands
+ Monitor trends and changes of competitor funds

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Learn more about our advanced ETF data offerings >>


Industry News & Data Reports

FINTRX Private Wealth Data Report | Q2 2024

Explore activity within the family office and investment advisor ecosystems throughout Q2 2024 as well as an overview of all FINTRX platform updates and additions made throughout the quarter. The report features data-driven insights on key metrics such as assets under management, alternative investments, fee models, geographic distributions, asset allocations, family office direct investments and more.

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Download the Report



RIA Roundup: July '24 Rep Movements, M&A Deals and Emerging PlayersScreen Shot 2024-08-05 at 3.14.20 PM

Read the full roundup >>



FINTRX Industry Spotlight: Women-Led Independent RIAsScreen Shot 2024-08-02 at 10.54.41 AM

Access Your Full Copy



Client Testimonials

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Read the full PAX Momentum case study >>




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FINTRX New Employee Spotlight

The FINTRX team continues to expand 🚀 We are absolutely thrilled to introduce 13 new team members across various departments!

  • + Colm McDonald, Business Development Analyst
    + Elizabeth Lehane, Business Development Analyst
    + Elizabeth Moss, Sr. Director of Business Development

    + Emily Goldman, VP of Data & Research
    + Kyle Ebbets, SVP of Commercial Operations
    + Liam Foley, Business Development Analyst

    + Maggie Kleinsmith, Business Development Analyst
    + Stephanie Manicioto, SVP of Customer Experience

FINTRX Summer 2024 Interns:

  • + Dylan Coffey, Data & Operations Intern
    + Jonathan Lischetti, Sales Operations & Enablement Intern
    + Kevin Sullivan, Sales Strategy & Operations Intern

    + Patrick Galvin, Data & Operations Intern
    + William Mehra, Sales Strategy & Operations Intern

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Interested in joining the FINTRX team? Check out our current openings here >>


FINTRX is a unified data & research platform providing comprehensive data intelligence on 850,000+ family office & investment advisor records, each designed to help industry professionals identify, access and map the global private wealth ecosystem. FINTRX data intelligence covers over 4,000 family offices, 40,000+ RIA & broker dealer entities, 22,000+ private wealth groups, and 850,000+ associated reps & key contacts. Data for every record within FINTRX is pooled from a minimum of 10 public & private sources.

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Equipped with 375+ search filters, numerous customization options and AI-powered search & relationship mapping technology, FINTRX allows you to seamlessly track where family office & investment advisor capital is flowing, uncover allocation trends, break down investments by sector & size, understand future investment plans and much more.

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