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Registered Investment Advisor Snapshot: June 2021


The registered investment advisor (RIA) market has experienced significant expansion over the last few years, with an estimated 35,000+ entities and 405,000+ contacts in operation today. RIAs continue to experience growth in nearly every metric, from a record number of firms and employees to client demand and increased assets under management. To shine a light on the space, FINTRX explores the RIA industry at large, offering insight and analytics into how these groups operate as well as an overall snapshot of the RIA market for June 2021

RIA Review

Regulated directly by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a registered investment adviser (RIA) is any firm that advises or manages the wealth of high net-worth individuals or institutions. All RIAs are fiduciary organizations and therefore have a legal obligation to act in the best interest of their clients. Registered investment advisors make up a broad range of groups throughout the financial landscape, including wealth advisers, hedge funds, retail investment advisories, private equity firms, and several other groups that manage institutional capital. Some RIAs register as family offices as well. 

RIA Snapshot: June 2021

RIA Snapshot June 2021

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FINTRX provides comprehensive intelligence on thousands of private family offices, each designed to facilitate your prospecting and capital-raising efforts. Explore in-depth profiles on each family - AUM, source of wealth, investment criteria, previous investment history, industries of interest - and other key data points to help elevate your workflow. FINTRX offers an inside look at the alternative investment industry and private capital markets.

With complete coverage of over 3,090+ family offices, 15,800+ family office contacts, and 19,600+ tracked investments, FINTRX ensures direct access to accredited investor intelligence. The FINTRX platform is an essential tool in understanding the family office landscape in the U.S. and abroad, while also empowering users to uncover commonalities with these family offices for effective, personal outreach.

For an in-depth exploration of the FINTRX family office platform, click below:



For more practical family office insights and best practices, visit our 'Resource Library' below. 

FINTRX Resource Library

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