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3 Largest Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) in Oregon


The need for unbiased wealth management has become increasingly prominent as the world continues to shift towards a remote reality — and registered investment advisors (RIAs) are at the center of this trend. With uncertainty in the markets, businesses and high-net-worth individuals turn to RIAs for their self-governing nature, fiduciary value, and financial expertise. To shine a light on the RIA space, FINTRX explores three of the largest registered investment advisors (RIAs) based in Oregon.

1. Cedar Financial Advisors, LLC = ~$109B+ in AUM

Founded in 2006, Cedar Financial Advisors is a Beaverton, Oregon-based registered investment advisor and the professional advisory services of Tim Kober and Peggy Kessinger. The firm provides comprehensive fee-only financial planning, retirement planning, and wealth management services to professionals, retirees, and pre-retirees. Cedar Financial Advisors offers a two-step flow for guiding individuals through identifying, prioritizing, and achieving a diverse set of financial goals: financial planning and wealth management. The firm's financial planning services begin with its five-step point-in-time financial planning process, while its wealth management services evolve over the longer term. Cedar Financial Advisors addresses common sticking points that block the way to true financial freedom such as emotional triggers, financial complexities, and change. 

- Founded: 2006
- Headquarters: Beaverton, OR
- Discretionary Assets: ~$109B+
- Non-Discretionary Assets: ~$0
- Total AUM: ~$109B+
- Specialties: Fee-only, financial planning, and investment management services

2. FIDELIS iM, LLC  = ~$121M+ in AUM

Established in 2012, FIDELIS iM is a Medford, Oregon-based financial advisor offering an experience designed to help make prudent choices, take effective actions and attain various goals. The firm currently serves clients in the greater Southern Oregon area, Central Oregon and Northern California. As an independent, fee-only financial advisor and investment management firm, FIDELIS is devoted to building relationships that exceed expectations, deliver solid investment solutions for generations and challenge the status quo of yesterday’s investment management approach. The group specializes in the management of assets for a select group of individuals, entities, and company retirement plans. Based upon the moral principles President Keegan Denn draws from his experience as a United States Marine, FIDELIS stands for integrity and results. Additionally, FIDELIS iM is the only local investment firm leveraging an exclusive Preferred Provider Retirement AllianceSM for medical plan management.

- Founded: 2012
- Headquarters: Medford, OR
- Discretionary Assets: ~$121M+
- Non-Discretionary Assets: $71,364
- Total AUM: ~$121M+
- Specialties: Financial and retirement planning, company 401K plans, foundations and endowments, corporate accounts, college savings, investment management, and cash balance plans

3. Foster & Wood, Inc.  = ~$115M+ in AUM

Founded in 2015, Foster & Wood, Inc. is a Lake Oswego, Oregon-based financial advisory firm that works with corporate clients in a fiduciary role. The firm designs and administers cost-effective, ERISA-compliant retirement plans that incorporate best practices, and reflect your company and its values. The firm is focused on preserving and growing family wealth through a combination of investment strategies, a strategic approach to wealth management, and a healthy dose of experience. Foster & Wood serves all its plans as an ERISA 3(38) investment manager and looks for opportunities to leverage technology and automation.

- Founded: 2015
- Headquarters: Lake Oswego, OR
- Discretionary Assets: ~$74M+
- Non-Discretionary Assets: $41M+
- Total AUM: ~$115M+
- Specialties: Wealth management, retirement plan fiduciary services and pooled employer plans (PePs)

RIA Review

In general terms, a registered investment advisor (RIA) is any firm advising or managing the wealth of high-net-worth individuals or institutions. Directly regulated by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), RIAs offer a wide range of financial services — from wealth and investment management to direct lending and personal finance education, etc. An important distinction regarding RIAs is the fiduciary obligation to always act in the best interest of their clients.

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