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New Releases: February 2018 FINTRX Features


What's New at FINTRX?

February | 2018


February 2018 New Features & Family Office Data

On Demand Alerts For New Family Office Updates & Additions

With the release of on demand alerts, you can now stay dialed in to all new family offices added
and updated within FINTRX. Use our real time counter to track what has been added since your last login.

February 2018 New Features & Family Office Data

Industry Wealth Creation
Narrow down family offices by how they created their wealth. Want to pull a custom query for all family offices that created their wealth via real estate and private investing?
We've got you covered.
February 2018 New Features & Family Office Data
Custom Lists Creation

FINTRX now offers a simple yet intuitive lists experience, allowing for all family office investors and contacts to live in a single lists environment. Simply toggle back and forth to your preferred view & drag and drop your columns in the order you wish. As will all items within FINTRX, your preferences are saved on the fly.

February 2018 New Features & Family Office Data

Enhanced Family Office Filtering
Customize your family office prospecting efforts with our advanced filter options. Track specific metrics and preferences that are important to your deal flow and capital raising efforts.

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