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5 Advantages of Working with Registered Investment Advisors


Registered investment advisors (RIAs) are financial experts legally obligated to act in the best interests of their clients. Along with a fiduciary duty, RIAs provide several other advantages to working with them such as access to alternative investments, an array of financial services and independent advice, among others. Whether you're just starting out or looking to optimize your current portfolio, registered investment advisors can help you reach your financial goals and provide peace of mind along the way.

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There has never been a more effective or convenient way to access the registered investment advisor ecosystem. Our sophisticated RIA and broker dealer dataset is designed to efficiently identify and map investment advisors that are suitable for you and your team. Uncover key decision-makers and executives, stay current on asset flows, rep movement and advisor intent signals, among several other asset-raising tools. We put real-time data in your hands using automation, artificial intelligence and our expansive research team to assure effective outcomes.

5 Advantages of Working with Registered Investment Advisors


Fiduciary Duty

One of the key advantages of working with a registered investment advisor is their fiduciary duty, or legal obligation to act in the best interests of their clients. RIAs must provide unbiased advice, disclose any conflicts of interest and refrain from engaging in any unethical practices. The fiduciary duty of registered investment advisors is a key advantage for clients as it provides a higher level of protection, helps to build trust and ensures the advice given is in line with the client's financial goals. This level of protection for clients is not always present with other types of financial advisors. 


Access to Alternative Investments

By working with an RIA, clients can benefit from the expertise of their advisor by selecting alternative investments that are well-suited to their goals and risk tolerance. Alternative investments such as real estate, commodities, private equity and hedge funds, among others, offer portfolio diversification, provide the possibility of higher returns and hedge against market volatility. RIAs can also help their clients understand the risks and rewards associated with each option. 

The use of alternative investments by registered investment advisors has seen an uptick in recent years, as more investment advisors are recognizing the potential for higher returns and diversification benefits offered. As a result, more RIAs are incorporating these investments into their clients' portfolios, helping to drive the growth of the alternative investment industry.


Personalized Approach

Registered investment advisors understand that every client has unique financial goals, priorities and risk tolerances, and therefore strive to provide customized solutions tailored to each client's situation. RIAs will take the time to understand the client's financial goals, such as saving for retirement, buying a home, or paying for their children's education. They will also consider the client's risk tolerance, time horizon and any other factors that may impact their financial situation. With this information, the registered investment advisor can create a customized plan designed to meet the client's specific needs. RIAs also provide ongoing management of client portfolios and make any necessary adjustments to ensure it remains aligned with their goals. 


Comprehensive Services

Registered investment advisors offer a wide range of financial services that go beyond simply managing investments. RIA services can include any combination of financial planning, retirement and tax planning, selection of other advisors, portfolio management, pension consulting services and educational seminars, among others. One of the key advantages of comprehensive services is that they allow RIAs to take a holistic view of their client's financial situation. This enables them to provide tailored advice and solutions designed to meet the unique needs of each client. For example, an RIA can help a client create a retirement plan that takes into account their current savings, Social Security benefits and projected expenses in retirement. 


Independent Advice & Expertise

Another key advantage of working with registered investment advisors is their independent advice and expertise. RIAs are independent financial professionals who are not tied to any particular investment product or service. This allows them to provide unbiased advice, based solely on the client's best interests. RIAs are also financial experts who have extensive knowledge and experience in the field. Registered investment advisors have a deep understanding of the stock market, investment strategies and the various financial products and services available. The combination of independent advice and expertise can provide many benefits for clients.


In conclusion, the advantages of working with a registered investment advisor are numerous and can help clients achieve their financial goals and provide peace of mind in the process. Whether you're just starting out or are well into your financial journey, a registered investment advisor can provide a personalized and comprehensive approach to managing your finances based on independent advice, fiduciary duty, access to alternative investments, personalized approach, breadth of services and expertise, among many others. 

Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs)

Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) are financial professionals who provide investment advice to clients and are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or state securities regulators. RIAs have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of their clients and must provide impartial and objective advice. They are typically compensated by fees charged to clients, rather than commissions, which aligns their interests with those of their clients. RIAs may manage assets for clients, provide financial planning services, and offer advice on a wide range of financial products and services.

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