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November 2019 Family Office Data Report


Hundreds of the world's asset managers, bankers, private businesses and fund managers leverage FINTRX to target family office capital. Blending research, analytics and technology into a single one-stop solution, FINTRX provides further analysis into the many family office data trends our research team has compiled from November of 2019.  Continue reading for an extensive breakdown on how last month unfolded within our ecosystem of 2,682+ family offices, 10,879+ contacts and 5,129+ tracked family office investments...

November-2019-Family Office Data-Report


November Findings

→ Total Additions = 2,253


Total Additions: New Family Offices, Contacts & Direct Investments

  • 69 family offices added
  • 306 family office contacts added
  • 1,878 direct investments added

MFO vs SFO Breakdown

Updated Entities = 1,694

Updated Entities: Family Offices & Family Office Contacts

  • 213 updated family offices
  • 1,481 updated family office contacts 
→ New Family Office Data Points = 4,026
→ Total New Family Office Assets Added: = $36Billion
→ Family Office Direct Investment Activity by Sector
November Family Office Direct Investment Activity by Sector
  1. Technology = 31%
  2. Consumer Goods = 12%
  3. Health & Biotechnology = 10%
  4. Business Services = 8%
  5. Real Estate & Construction = 7%
  6. Financial Services = 5%
  7. Manufacturing = 4%
  8. Media & Entertainment = 4%
  9. Transportation = 3%
  10. Leisure & Lifestyle = 3%
  11. Other = 14%
Interesting Family Office Data Trend
  • 1,870+ total direct investments made by family offices in the technology sector
A note from our VP of research...

"Family offices continue to show a propensity toward direct investments, likely due to outsized returns and the benefit of bypassing manager fees. It’s no surprise that more direct investments are made to the technology sector than any other sector, given vast opportunities presented within the space. Furthermore, our research supports a natural inclination for families to invest in the industries they are most familiar with. Given the sheer numbers of family offices established in recent years by tech moguls, now more than ever, the family office channel is a valuable source of capital for up-and-coming technology companies." - Dennis Caulfield, VP of Research

In providing continuously updated family office data, capital raising tools, and savvy search capabilities, FINTRX continues to bring transparency to the family office ecosystem. If you are interested in learning additional information on our proprietary research, please click here.

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