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Tricor Pacific Capital Evolves Into Family Office


Tricor Pacific Capital Evolves Into Family Office

Tricor Pacific Capital has evolved into a single-family office the invests its own capital inter-generationally in a portfolio of diversified food and industrial businesses, along with real estate and land development projects.



Tricor Pacific Capital was established in 1996 as a private equity firm investing both our own and institutional funds in mid-market companies across North America. On Tricor Pacific Capitals site they say "Today Tricor Pacific Capital has evolved into a single-family office the invests its own capital inter-generationally in a portfolio of diversified food and industrial businesses, along with real estate and land development projects."

They further state that they are actively pursuing new acquisition opportunities that meet the following:

  • Middle-market companies in light manufacturing, business & consumer services or specialty retail sectors.
  • Demonstrated history of positive cash flow.
  • EBITDA of $2-6 million.


For more information see original source here.


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