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New Release: List Indicator


FINTRX is excited to release a new feature within our family office data solution and prospecting tool that easily identifies the investors and contacts that already live on at least one of your personal lists. Read ahead for further insight...

Key Highlights:

  • - Saves time by indicating the investors and contacts that have already been added to a personal list within the FINTRX platform
  • - If an investor already lives on a list, a green circle indicator will be present at the bottom right-hand corner of the investor's logo 
  • - If a contact already lives on a list, a green circle indicator will be present at the bottom right-hand corner of the contact's headshot
  • - The green list indicator is compatible on desktop and mobile devices


As always, please let us know if you have any questions. It's of our utmost importance that our clients have the most user-friendly and optimal experience leverage the FINTRX solution, both on a desktop and mobile device.

For more information, request a free trial for a deep-dive into the FINTRX solution today!

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