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New Release: FINTRX News Portal


FINTRX is excited to announce a new feature within our family office data solution and prospecting tool that provides users with the ability to stay up to date on all news pertaining to their prospects and the alternative wealth space at large. The News Portal features a bookmarking tool, filtering options and other savvy tools to ensure users are kept abreast of all news relating to the private capital markets.

FINTRX's news portal provides users with a comprehensive and up-to-date source of news and insights within the private wealth industry. Curated from trusted and reputable sources, the news portal covers a wide range of topics, including market trends, investment strategies, regulatory updates and industry developments. Designed intuitively, the News Portal allows users to bookmark and filter news by type, industry, family office, registered investment advisor (RIA), specific contacts and more, ultimately allowing for a personalized collection of private wealth news. 


Search Filters

- Single & Multi-Family Office
- Registered Investment Advisor
- Contact(s)
- Industry/Sector
- Asset Class (Family Office, Hedge Fund, Private Equity, Real Estate & Venture Capital)
- Direct Transactions
- Date Range
- Type of News (New Hire, Investment Activity, General News & M&A)
- & several others


- Save and revisit specific news articles that are of interest to you
- Filter through all news sources to only show the news sources that are bookmarked

FINTRX News Portal

- Every news article listed will have 'Tags' specific to the content it covers
- Sort and filter through news articles using colored tags
- Click the tags to filter search results based on that particular tag category

Depending on which tag you click, either:

- A short profile of the private company will pull out from a sidebar on the right, OR
- The profile of the family office will pull out from the right side of the page


New 'Related Articles' Search Functionality

- Easily filter through all news correlating to search results
- Continuous scroll of all news sources from newest to oldest
- Bookmarks will be saved on all versions (desktop & mobile)

FINTRX News Portal 2

Power Search Bar

- Ability to search for specific news within our 'Smart Search' tool
- The 'Smart Search' bar at the top of the module works as a search engine to parse through thousands of keywords, investor names, private companies, etc., to identify articles that have direct relevance within the contents of the article. For example, if a user were to search the keyword 'ESG', the search results would contain all news sources that have the term "ESG" mentioned within the piece. FINTRX News Portal


FINTRX is a unified family office and RIA database that provides comprehensive data intelligence on 850,000+ family office and investment advisor records, ultimately designed to help asset-raising professionals identify, access and map the global private wealth ecosystem. Find relevant decision-makers in a snap with powerful search filters and queries. Uncover the data you need, when you need it and filter through areas of investment interest, AUM, asset flows, intent signals, potential associates and much more. FINTRX sources data from both public and private sources and has a team of 75+ researchers who map, validate and compile data daily to ensure its accuracy.

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