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 Discover Family Office Professionals Currently Within Your Network

Leverage your current network alongside FINTRX's industry leading family office data to derive commonalities between yourself and each family office decision maker.



Instantly Expand Your Network

Turn key access into your alumni roots, past employment history and LinkedIn network to instantly expand your rolodex within the family office industry.


Humanize Your Outreach

Artificial intelligence built around your background to uncover how you personally relate to each family office decision maker, resulting in a humanized outreach.

FINTRX LinkedIn screenshot
Alumni Roots
Alumni Roots

Input previously attended universities to unpack decision makers that share a similar background - a hidden prospecting trick amongst family office allocators.

Past Employment
PAst Employment History

Leverage your background and previous employment history to spark a warmer introduction within the family office community.


Linkedin Network icon
LInkedin Network

Visually tap into your LinkedIn network to see how you or any of your colleagues personally relate to each contact within FINTRX.

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Family Office Data Meets AI

Intelligent family office data infused with artificial intelligence to create a personal network tree within the family office ecosystem.

Network Alerts

Receive alerts when your network tree extends to any family office

Visual Connections

Visualize your network and how you relate to each family office contact within the FINTRX ecosystem.

Unlimited Networking Opportunities

Never static - visualize  your networks daily growth and expansion.

Embedded AI

Embedded AI engineered to silently scan and alert you to any professional networking opportunities. 

FINTRX Networking Features animated

"FINTRX is an incredibly powerful tool for uncovering deep dive family office data & research. Highly recommended solution."

Tim Boardman, Conquest Capital
Director of Business Development
Tim Boardman, Conquest Capital Testimonial

Built for the asset raising professional. Engineered for efficiency.